যুব উন্নয়ন কম্পিউটার একাডেমী
Saturday, 07-Dec-2024, Time: 12:57 AM
BTEB Reg : 61094

Office time:Sat - Thu : 9 AM - 8 PM

HOTLINE: +880 1710972889

Youth Development Computer Academy

Approved by the Government of the peoples republic of Bangladesh

Course: Hardware & Software

Hardware & Software 3 / 6 months Course Details : 

  1. Hardware Fundamentals 
  2. Basic Electronic Ic
  3. How to Use Tools
  4. HDD, Pen Drive Data Recovery 
  5. HDD Partition 
  6. Folder Drive Lock
  7. Assembling & Dissembling
  8. BIOS Setup
  9. Operating System ( Windows XP, Vista , 7/8/10 ) 
  10. Laptop Desktom Motherboard Repair
  11. PC Troubleshooting 
  12. Software Installation 
  13. Driver Installation 
  14. Device Manager Use 
  15. Antivirus Use 
3 Months / 6 Months
Support: Yes
Fee: 5000 / 10000 BDT
Jitu Miah Point,Shekghat ,Sylhet-3100,Bangladesh
+88 01710972889, +88 01671895818, info@ydcaedubd.com